2019/2020 Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2020
In attendance:
Joe Cambre
Paul Hart
Paula Langford
Sandra Decker
As of January 24, 2020 reporting, total Income year to date is $84,260 with expenses year to date of
$31,879. $10,000 for Long Term Amenities and $8,612 for the Playground have been set aside in
separate accounts.
Daily Operations:
The playground committee has prepared options on the playground for Board approval.
After review the Board approved the committee for $40,000. This is to include any grading, site prep
and equipment installation. Within the $40,000 are costs for site preparation and drainage at $7,150 .
The project is slated for mid-2020. This project is anticipated to be funded by:
$8,612 Set aside from 2019-2020 budget
10,000 budgeted for 2020-2021
$7,500 extra money from 2019-2020 (if we stay under budget)
$13,888 taken from the balance in the checking account
$40.000 TOTAL
Prior to the pool opening in 2020 we will be replacing tiles and acid washing the tub of the pool. The
costs are estimated to be $4,184 for the tiles, and $1,100 for an acid wash to clean and maintain the
surface of the pool tub while the pool is drained.
The current tiles that encircle the rim of the pool tub and serve as a border to the curbing were grouted
on top of previous tiles and have begun coming off.
The board approved the Annual Meeting date to be March 22, 2020. Notices will be sent to the
community 30 days prior to the meeting. Any candidates wishing to be placed on the ballot should
inform the board at board@willowtree.org.
The Board approved the 2020-2021 budget. The Board approved for dues to remain the same for 2020.
November 11, 2019
Board Meeting Willow Tree Homeowner Association
Location: Board Member home
Meeting began: 8:00 AM
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 AM
In attendance: Paula Langford, Melissa Telfer, Joe Cambre, Paul Hart
Survey sent to the community requesting comments back playground cost options and ARC guidelines to
assist the Board of Directors in the community’s feedback.
Board discussed playground options.
Crawford, our pool company was granted the permit from the county on work needed.
Review of financials.2019 budget planning.
September 28, 2019
In attendance:
Joe Cambre
Paula Langford
Sandra Decker
Chris Barton
Board reviewed proposals and concerns for the playground. Inspection of the playground by the
inspector with Playsouth has resulted in safety concerns and notice has been sent to the community
stating the area is closed. The playground committee and volunteers have been securing various
designs and price options for consideration. We will need to add fencing, permit, add 9 inches of mulch,
grade site and replace the equipment.
In order to replace this area this year or first quarter 2020, additional funding would be recommended
in the form of a special assessment. Currently we have $20,000 in long tern amenities fund. A portion
of this, (assumed to be $10,000) will be added to the current saved amount of $8,----. Should we do well
for the remaining months of the year on budget, we anticipate an additional $3,000-$4,000 available for
the playground replacement. Depending on timing of this project, any remaining funds from this year
could be added and result in a lower owner’s special assessment for the community.
A new questionnaire will be sent to community asking for feedback on replacing the playground
Dues statements and newsletter will be going out next week.
August 24, 2019
In attendance:
Joe Cambre
Paul Hart
Paula Langford
Sandra Decker
Chris Barton
As of August 21, 2019 reporting, total Income year to date is $61, 107 with expenses year to date of
$14,876. Long term amenities improvement account is $20,000. (Financial Reports are also posted).
Daily Operations:
The Board voted and approved the pool to remain open until Sept 30, 2019. Our change in vendors has
resulted in the most successful season for our pool in terms of water quality and owner enjoyment.
Parking reminders were placed on 3 cars in the community in efforts to reduce our cars park in the
roadways which restrict traffic flow and can result in emergency vehicles not able to traverse the streets
The playground committee is preparing options on the playground changes for the Board’s review.
Home sales:
1509 Willow Bend has closed this month.
1654 Willow Way is to close in September.
Due Statements:
Dues statements will be mailed to the owners on or about October 1, 2019.
June 30, 2019
Board Meeting Willow Tree Homeowner Association
Location: Board Members Home
Meeting began: 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 4:00 PM
In attendance: Paula Langford, Joe Cambre, Chris Barton, Paul Hart, Sandra Decker
Quorum was met.
Review of current violation status and corrections in progress. One board review with owner to be
scheduled July 13-21 depending on availability.
New basketball hoop installed was lower to correct regulation height this weekend.
Playground Committee has been turned over all proposals and information to date with an anticipated
fall report to the Board.
Chris Barton will follow up with the county on vehicle speed controls on public roads (Willow Tree
Streets are public).
Board reviewing towing options on the common areas, reminders of parking and blocking access on the
street levels.
Collection of dues:
We are within $1,000 of budgeted dues payments and pursuing delinquent owners.
Board will move $8,612 to Long Term Amenities from Operating Expenses to place card this money for
the playground expenses.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------May 18, 2019
Meeting Start: 6:59am
Members in attendance: Paula Langford, Joe Cambre, Paul Hart, Chris Barton
1. Discussed a plan for distressed Lots, including violation notices, and fines for recurring violations.
2. Committees formation: still in progress, need to get potential members in contact with each other,
suffering from a shortage of volunteers. ACC still active though.
3. EOY Party: being planned with budget in mind.
4. Website updates/plans: still at work
5. 85% of dues collected so far.
April 14, 2019
Location: Board Members Home
Meeting began: 3:00 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 4:00 PM
In attendance: Paula Langford, Joe Cambre, Chris Barton, Paul Hart, Sandra Decker
Annual Meeting Minutes reviewed by the Board. Joe will upload to our site. Community will approve at the next Annual Meeting.
Board reviewed the draft revisions of ACC guidelines and resolution. Revisions will be reviewed and targeted to be complete by next Saturday so a copy is available to the community.
Our pool passed inspection and the Board approved to have the pool open on May 4, 2019.
Our website is in need to updating and additional email storage was approved at $60/yr increase.
Community Spring Clean Up was held April 13th and was very successful. Thank you to all participant’s!
Next Board meeting is the third Saturday of May.
Upcoming dates:
May 3 and 4 is Community Yard Sale
May 5 ACC drive through
May 31 Pool Party