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2022/2023 Meeting Minutes

Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022

Time: 1:00pm-2:11pm

Location: Board Members Home

Board Members Present:

Joe Cambre, Scott Mueller, Lori Jurkovic, Colleen Jankovich



1. ACC Issues:

  • Board to perform drive through during week of 5/22

  • ACC letters to be sent beginning week of 5/30

  • Owners presently in violation to receive notices ASAP

2.  Rental Cap Discussion:

  • Without an amendment to the Declaration, there is currently no cap on renters/lessees.

  • All lessees should be provided “copies of the Declaration, By-Laws, and the rules and regulations” pursuant to Paragraph 11(b.i) of the Declaration.

  • From paragraph 11(b.ii.A): “Each lessee shall comply with all provision of the Declaration, By-Laws, and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto and shall control the conduct of all other Occupants and guests of the leased Lot in order to ensure compliance with the foregoing. The Owner shall cause all Occupants of his or her Lot to comply with the Declaration, By-Laws, and the rules and regulation adopted pursuant thereto, and shall be responsible for all violations by such Occupants, notwithstanding the fact that such Occupants of the Lot are fully liable and may be sanctioned for any violation of the Declaration, By-Laws, and rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.”

3. Tennis Courts and Pickleball Lines:

  • Resurfacing is set to move forward, but under the timeline of Court Masters. They are behind but said that they would communicate their availability.  

  • Board has determined that there is currently not enough interest to move forward with a permanent installation of pickleball lines

  • Responses were sent to 16 individuals thanking them for participating in the follow-up survey.

  • Should interest build for pickleball, the Board will revisit the idea at a later date.

4. Trash Pickup:

  • The Board looked into a trash service contract at a lower rate for the entire neighborhood.

  • For a rate of $56 quarterly, we would need to have 100% of Lots subscribed to a new trash service.

  • Recycling would occur two times a month.

  • Presently, the Board has determined that these are not favorable terms for the neighborhood as a whole and may revisit the matter at a later date should a more favorable offer come available.



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Date: Saturday, April 9, 2022

Time: 9:10am-10:30am

Location: Board Members Home

Board Members Present:

Joe Cambre, Paula Langford, Scott Mueller, Lori Jurkovic



1. Established roles:

  • Scott Mueller: President

  • Colleen Jankovich: VP1

  • Laurie Jurkovich: VP2

  • Joe Cambre: Secretary

  • Paula Langford: Treasurer

2.  Financials update:

  • Dues coming in steadily.

  • Tennis courts supposed to be resurfaced this month. Estimate of $6,100 dollars.

  • It is still to be determined if we are liable for taxes on the $7,500 dollars from settlement/sale of 1215 Weeping Willow. We will proceed with purposing the funds when this is determined.

  • Reviewed plan for long-term budgeting for amenities/common area upkeep and renewal. Projections are fluid estimates and ongoing, with the aim to keep funds available over the course of many years. $18,000 is budgeted for deposit in long-term savings this year.

3. ACC formation/procedures:

  • Lori and Scott will chair the committee as Board members

  • Board will reach out to those who volunteered during the previous Board’s term, as well as send out communication for the opportunity to volunteer to serve.

  • Board will send out electronic communication as well as a mailer regarding Community-Wide Standards, which are already outlined in our Governing Documents (Declaration of Covenants, Bylaws, and Resolutions).

  • Both courtesy and violation letters will continue to be sent.

  • ACC form will be posted to neighborhood website.

4. Tennis court resurfacing:

  • Including pickleball lines on the tennis courts has been brought up again. The Board will send out an interest survey to gauge the support more accurately from HOA members.


  • Resurfacing should be performed this month.

5. Pool inspection should be scheduled this week. Opening date still planned for May 1st.

6. The Board will look into a trash collection contract at a discounted rate for the neighborhood. 


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